Groups & Resources

Small Groups

Life change happens in community.

Harvard University completed an 80-year study on what makes people happy. What did they find? "Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period." At Mercy Road, Small groups, serving, and outreach to others are the primary ways we start and strengthen strong relationships as we follow Jesus together. If you would like to speak with a staff member about participating in or leading a small group, serving, or learning about our outreach initiatives, please e-mail us at:

Groups vary in demographic and purpose, but they all are designed to help us know and trust Jesus more deeply. Some groups are ongoing. If you would like to speak with a staff member about participating in or leading a small group, please reach out to us.


People come alive when we are serving others. Volunteering at Mercy Road is the best way to grow in selfless love for others as well as discern your God-given gifts and aptitudes. There are many places to serve. You might consider serving as a greeter, Kid’s Church leader, youth mentor, musician, or on our prayer team. Do you have a special skill or resource that might help Mercy Road? We would love to hear about it! If you would like to have a conversation about serving at Mercy Road for a season, please reach out to us.


The primary way we reach out to our community is by being thoughtful and kind neighbors, co-workers, and citizens. Simply put, we share the love of Jesus in our daily interactions. We build bridges of trust that will bear the weight of truth. We invest in people. Having invested, we invite them to know and trust Jesus. Often this starts with simple acts of generosity. We also do community outreach events involving free food and resources from time to time to show our community we care. We have several partnerships and initiatives with Veteran and Military Ministries and Non-Profits. We are in the process of launching Healing Heros Sauna as our newest outreach initiative.

rightnow MEDIA

A streaming library of more than 20,000 Bible study videos for leaders to share with their people. This is a great resource for the whole family and we would love for everyone to have a FREE subscription. Just click above and get signed up.


At Mercy Road we baptize both infants and adults. Many of us were baptized as infants and have chosen to reaffirm our baptismal vows as adults by full emersion. We can baptize throughout the year but most people choose to participate in one of our two baptism services (typically fall and Spring). If you are interested in speaking with us about being baptized or having your child baptized or dedicated, please read our Baptism Q&A or contact us at


Congratulations on your engagement and plans to marry. We pray that God will bless you in the busy months ahead. Our goal throughout the wedding preparation process, and during the wedding itself, is to help you build a faith-filled, Jesus-centered marriage. The fee for a Mercy Road Church pastor is $200, due the day of your wedding. Guest pastors are always welcome at Mercy Road. The state of Minnesota requires couples to secure a marriage license to marry. Marriage licenses with 12 hours of premarital education and an assessment, along with a completed and signed statement of premarital education will receive a $75 discount. If you are interested in a Mercy Road wedding, please contact us at:


Funerals at Mercy Road are a time to remember our loved one, mourn their loss, and consider the living hope we have in Jesus. Pastor Mike has done more funerals than most pastors and is passionate about helping families in the grieving process. If you would like to speak to us about funeral arrangements please contact Pastor Mike directly at (952)210-0750.

Military Care
Military Care

Military Marriage Care – resources:
Be on the Same Team – When you’re on the same team it has a profound impact on how you play the game!
A quick marriage test
Sacred Influence – How God uses wives to shape the souls of their husbands.
3 major causes of divorce
Prayer Guides
Finance Tools
Family of Origin Worksheet


Prayer is the main way we experience deep change. Mercy Road staffs our prayer chapel every Sunday morning and we invite you to let us pray with and for you regarding anything you are facing in this season of life. If you would like to learn more about our prayer ministry please contact us at


We believe that every member of Mercy Road is a care minister. By this, we mean to suggest that we are all responsible for creating a healthy culture of care. This involves writing each other notes of encouraging and checking in on one another in seasons of stress and adversity. If you have a specific care need or would like to volunteer in a care capacity, please contact Kerry at (612)-7083378